Petition - Protect our Children at Washington Sq. Park

Sign our petition now!

Washington Square Playground urgently needs a child safety gate to prevent our babies and toddlers from being seriously hurt. 

The recently remodeled playground in North Beach is very well utilized but in the months since it opened, parents and care providers have been challenged to keep their little ones safe due to the lack of a safety enclosure. 

This playground is designed for young pre-school-aged children when bolting and running away are common normal behaviors.  The playground's proximity and unobstructed access to the very busy Columbus Avenue (at Filbert Street) with its speedy cars and busses make a dangerous invitation to a bolting toddler. 

Join North Beach Neighbors in asserting the need for a child safety gate at Washington Square Playground as an urgent and important safety measure.  Please add your name to our petition and share your stories or concerns that you or your children have encountered since the new playground opened.

Sign our petition now!

Open Spaces, FamilyBlair Helsing